Sunday, September 28, 2014

Puto Bumbong in September

One thing that I miss from Christmas is puto bumbong. The only chance I get to have some is during the ber months and of course, the holidays, since it is associated with the season along with queso de bola, hamon and others. For those who aren't familiar, it's a purple steamed rice cake, cooked in bamboo tubes and served with grated coconut. Today, I had a craving for that and, although Christmas is still months away, I know there was this stall in front of our church that is already selling it so I there to buy some for 25 pesos. The one I just had today was good as always, texture was nice, good deal for 25 pesos. :)  It's been a while since I've had one of these.

Wow, September's coming to a close... October's a promising month and hopefully, things will get better from here on out. Thanks for dropping by! :D

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Manila International Book Fair 2014 - After the Storm

Part 2 of my post on the Manila International Book Fair 2014. Since a lot happened, I decided to divide my posts on the event. Check part one of my coverage here.

Now, on to the Manila International Book Fair 2014...

After checking out the Marian exhibit at the mall, I returned to SMX for the book fair. The number of books and people was overwhelming. The place was congested, siksikan talaga. The book fair covered the entire hall on the ground floor. There, you could see many books from different exhibitors, including two of the biggest bookstores in the country, National Bookstore and Fully Booked (they I think were the biggest exhibitors). Leading publishers in the country also came in. It's almost not an exaggeration to say that one could see books about almost everything under the sun. There's religious books, bibles, textbooks, theoretical books, comics, mangas, novels... name it, chances are it's there. Most of the time I've wandered around, taking pics, looking at some stores and going out of the hall and in again. There's also a stage area for performances at one of the far ends of the massive hall.

Go USTe! (^o^)/
Events stage
Lines build up
Selfies... the trend's still going strong...

One of the less congested areas
Crowd at around 3 PM. Pretty much the crowd was at it's peak from that time onwards

Good that people are reading...

Book signing outside the halls.
 Left: Book signings at the MIBF.  Right: Cosplayers among the people.

Books, books everywhere...

In addition to the MIBF, there was also the Best of Anime 2014, which happened in the upper floor. This was my first ever cosplay event because I attended last year's. This year though, I didn't attend and the tickets for that were at the hefty price of 300 pesos. Yes, that expensive. Though I wasn't there, I was able to see the cosplayers gracing this event (and the bookfair. Some cosplayers entered the book fair too). I had to take pics of them when they came down the escalator and when they stayed near the entrances of the book fair. Good to see them as always. They brought more color to the place with their costumes and their talent. Not only the cosplayers, even from downstairs outside the hall, I could hear the performances taking place at BOA. 

BOA upstairs. By the way, those without tickets to that can't go up due to some new policies for the events.

One booth that I went to often was the Komikon booth. The main reason why is that it has something to do with my thesis project. I made about two visits here, first, I canvassed and checked out some of their titles, especially those that could help me in my thesis, plus I talked about it with the guys in charge of the booth. After that, I left it to think about what to buy. When I returned, I checked out some of their titles again and bought a few of 'em. I even had them signed since one of the artists was there. Hopefully though, they could help me for my thesis project. Good luck to me on that. :)
Also, I've been going to the religious stores. I was thinking of buying something, but in the end, I didn't. I might buy something from those stores some other time at one of their branches (like at St. Pauls to say one place).

Aside from books, there were more attractions all over the place. At the REX bookstore, they featured the world's smallest book. There were also booths that featured gadgets and robots. The event was even attended by famous personalities, other than just authors. Two big names I saw were Marian Rivera and Juluis Babao.

The Bookfair was also an opportunity for me to meet up with my classmates. I was able to meet some of them. Good to see them there. :) During the event, I looked for  my other classmates that probably attended. I guess I didn't see 'em. :(
Around 4 PM I left SMX to have merienda somewhere but later on, I decided against it.

Here's some more pics:
@ the Komikon store
Robots on display. This booth was near the stage.
The smallest book in the world on display at the Rex store.

Marian Rivera's in this pic...

Religious sisters were a common sight at the book fair.
News anchor Julius Babao

At the religious stores. Note the standfie of Pope Francis.

I left SMX at about 6:30 PM. At a jeepney I took on the way to the LRT, SM MOA had a fireworks display. It was tough to see it from the jeep and only saw some parts of it. Nonetheless, it was good to see it as I was leaving the place.

In the end, it was a really tiring experience. Though tiring, it was undoubtedly a fun event after the storms and at least I was able to do some things I had to do. The experience was worth it, though there more things I could've done (...maybe). Next time though to avoid that feeling of wishing I could've done this or that, I gotta learn to make the best out of everything. It felt strange after the event's over. There's always that weird feeling that comes after a big event like the MIBF... :/
Also, I'd like to say that the event was a pre-bday celebration. Last Wednesday, I celebrated my Bday and I thank God for all the blessings that He has given me. I do hope that I will realize more of them and may He help me in everything that I do in the days and years to come. I also hope to be more responsible for my actions and be able to go through everything that I face in life.

And that's that. Thanks for checking! :D \(^o^)/

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mario's Aftermath, Arrival at the Book Fair and the Marian Exhibit

Part 1 of my posts on the Manila International Book Fair 2014. Since a lot happened, I decided to divide my posts on the event.

Wow... talk about a worst case scenario. Originally I was gonna go to MOA last Friday, but as we all know, Typhoon Mario just had to come in. As we've seen in the news, floods struck everywhere, families had to evacuate and places were submerged. Some even lost their lives during this calamity as well. Hoping for the best of those affected...

Also... best say a prayer and lend a helping hand to those affected.

Now, finally after plans have gone awry, I was able to push through to going to SM Mall of Asia yesterday for the last day of the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF2014). Originally, the plan was that I was gonna go there last Friday and again on Saturday, but you all know why things didn't push through. Sure, it didn't rain hard on Saturday, but I was still not allowed to go. I know it's cliche but as always, better late than never :). It's good to plan ahead, but also good to prepare for the possible worst case scenario.

Now, I went and attended the event all by myself. I left the house at about 11 AM and arrived at MOA about past 12 noon. On the way, the traffic at the last traffic light before MOA was rough. Not only that, probably due to thinking of so many things, I realized I forgot to bring my ID since students attending would have a discount. Good thing though when I came to SMX Convention Center, I still got a discount when I told the ticket sellers that I was a student, (albeit with no ID. At least I was honest, hehe). :) (Just so you know, tickets cost 20 pesos for adults, 15 pesos for students and kids. Difference is not much, but sometimes every peso counts.)

Souvenir program for the MIBF (et. al) I got two of them (one at the tickets and the other at one of the entrances). The 2nd came with a map of the book fair.
Entering the bookfair is overwhelming. People were all over, checking out books and all. I just went around quickly at first before I left the place and headed to the Main Mall because there was an exhibit (namely: Mary and the Popes Exhibit) there that featured Marian images and different memorabilias and relics of the popes. Of course, since I was already in MOA, why not check it out? Diba? :)

Inside the book fair. Kinda like Quiapo/Divisoria.
At first, I got lost. I entered the main mall and thought it was there, since I remembered that the exhibit was at the South Wing of SM-MOA. Note that I do not go here much, so I'm not that familiar with the place. I finally stumbled upon the exhibit later on at a place near the back of the mall.

The exhibit wasn't that big (but not small), but it was a beautiful and inspiring exhibit that featured images of the Virgin Mary under different titles and depictions, such as La Naval, Manaoag, Guadalupe, Antipolo, etc... . In addition to that, exhibited as well were images of the different popes of the Catholic Church and some of their relics. There were also a lot of papal memorabilia, such as the skullcap of St. John Paul II and other objects given by the popes. There was even a standfie of Pope Francis (and there were more of them at the book fair). It was a blessing to see this.

Our Lady of La Naval. This is personally my most favorite title of Mary.
Relics and memorabilia of St. John Paul II
Relics and Papal memorabilia

More pics of the Marian exhibit here.

After viewing the exhibit, I headed back to SMX for the book fair and other things.

MIBF coverage to be continued in another post...