Friday, October 3, 2014

The Queen Enthroned and UST's Fiesta

Yesterday, the image of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, La Naval de Manila was enthroned at her altar at Sto. Domingo Church, QC, marking the start of this year's fiesta celebrations. I wanted to visit the church yesterday but plans didn't go through since it rained hard, but just passed by and saw what was going on there from the jeepney on the way home from school. Today, the first day of the novena in honor of Our Lady, I got the chance to go to Sto. Domingo since I've got no classes and I have all the time to do so. I attended the 10 AM novena mass kanina. Few people attended, mostly because it's a weekday and more people attend the evening novena to Our Lady.

The altar was very beautiful as it has always been for La Naval de Manila. Even looking at the sanctuary, with the image of Our Lady enthroned in her baldachino, commands reverence and devotion to Our Lady's devotees. Seeing the altar of the church like that makes me happy.

Pics (Sto. Domingo):

Sanctuary of Sto. Domingo Church, La Naval de Manila 2014
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, La Naval de Manila

The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Sto. Domingo Church, QC
Bas relief at the church facade
As a devotee of Our Lady of La Naval, it's great that it's that time of the year again... In all the years I've been attending La Naval de Manila, this is the first time that I'm blogging about this event. :)

Along with the celebration of La Naval de Manila, UST's parish, Santissimo Rosario Parish is currently celebrating it's fiesta. The celebrations there started last week with the enthronement of the image of Our Lady and today is one of the novena days. UST's feast day will be this Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014.
Here's some pics of UST's fiesta celebrations:

Nuestra Senora del Santissimo Rosario, UST

Singing the "Despedida a la  Virgen"


You can check more pics et al. at my Flickr account

Edit (10/7/14): Let me add better pics of Our Lady, from last Sunday and yesterday during the Besamanto.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, La Naval de Manila. Taken 10-5-14
 Taken yesterday, during the Besamanto.

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