Sunday, October 12, 2014

La Naval de Manila 2014

Today is the feast day of La Gran Senora de Filipinas, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, La Naval de Manila. Today, we devotees remember the victories of 1646 where the Filipino-Spanish forces won over the vastly superior Dutch armada in what we believe was through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. It can be said, this day is an important day for our nation both in its history and the people's faith.

Earlier today, I went to Our Lady's shrine, Sto. Domingo Church and attended the 10 AM mass. Thousands of people attended the celebrations a while ago. While the masses were going on at the church, the carrozas for the grand procession are being readied and before and after the mass, I just went around the place.

Here's some pics from Sto. Domingo today:

The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Sto. Domingo Church

The saints in preparation for the grand procession.

Our Lady's altar is amazing!

Carroza truinfal of Our Lady of La Naval
I'll be uploading more pics here

Later on, the grand procession in honor of Our Lady will begin at 4 PM and I'm gonna return to Sto. Domingo to attend it. I have been attending these celebrations since my first one in 2007 and as it's always been every year, it's a blessing to attend this celebration and I intend to do this again in the years to come, when I can.

To all devotees, happy fiesta! VIVA LA VIRGEN!

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